Little Bee's Day Nursery & Pre-School Ltd
Tel:- 01262 425299
Little Bee's Day Nursery & Pre-School Ltd
Tel:- 01262 425299
Honey Bee's is our baby room, located on the first floor. The room is brightly decorated and equipped to meet a developing babies ever changing needs. The room is set up as a home from home environment; with cots for sleeping, sofas for snuggling and a wide range of resources and activities. As a setting we recognise and appreciate that each child is unique and therefore individual routines will be adhered to within the setting. Staff members within this room operate at a child:staff ratio of 3:1
and a key worker system will be in place. This ensures that your little bee's develop a secure attachment within the setting and that you as parents are viewed as partners in supporting and aiding your child's developments. Child developmental theorist John Bowlby stated that “settings that understand the importance of attachments are ones where links between the nursery and home are strong”.
Families within this classroom will receive a daily diary log for their child along with daily conversation and correspondence from the key worker to ensure all information is shared between staff members and parents promoting optimal care and support to both child and family during these crucial milestones.
The Honey Bee room has an attached milk kitchen so that the child's milk and food can be prepared swiftly and safely in a clean secure environment without removing a staff from the classroom and compromising the staff to child ratio.
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