Little Bee's Day Nursery & Pre-School Ltd
Tel:- 01262 425299
Little Bee's Day Nursery & Pre-School Ltd
Tel:- 01262 425299
The busy bee's room is the settings pre-school. The room is situated on the ground floor as the three other classrooms to further promote successful transitions between rooms. The room is one of the largest of the four classrooms and ensures that your bigger bee's have plenty of space to explore and engage in free play. The Busy Bee's staff will ensure that your child is school ready by the end of their time with us by providing a carefully blended mix of child centred and adult led activities. This is because as a setting we are passionate about a child's ability to learn through free exploration and play along with carefully planned and supported learning opportunities. This room will fully utilise the use of an activity room on the same floor, to engage children in small group, adult led, focus activities that are uniquely planned to meet and develop individual needs.
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